TCS Nesbit Partial Flipper
Suitable for those undergoing healing from implant surgery and also for patients suffering from an injury while waiting for proper measurements to be taken and prosthetics to be fabricated
Acrylic Wrought Wire Partial/Flipper
Extremely beneficial for patients who need a temporary yet aesthetically pleasing option while awaiting an implant or bridge.
TCS Flexible
More comfortable , allows natural looking clasps without wires.
Cast Metal Partials
Combining partial frameworks with flexible or acrylic material maintains the shape and strength of this restoration and allows for a proper fit every time.
Can be relined and repaired over extended use and they come in all gum and tooth shades.
Strong, versatile and durable. Used for over 60 years.
Good marginal integrity. Strong and durable. Tired and true certified alloys
Yellow Hi-Noble
Precious metal with a lifespan of 30 years or more
Strong, versatile and durable. Used for over 60 years.
Good marginal integrity. Strong and durable. Tired and true certified alloys